By Julie Pawlikowski, second year graduate student in the Media Management program
Jacques Hinkson-Compton, second year graduate student in the Digital Media Arts concentration, chose to do his Media Lab video on the Advertising for Strategic Media course taught by Dr. Zeynep Tanes-Ehle. The course forces on the contemporary practices and principles of the ever-changing nature of advertising across different media. There is particular emphasis on the development of advertising as the economic lifeblood of media, the evolving importance of advertising as an integral part of marketing, and evaluating the quality and effectiveness of advertising messages and campaigns.
“There are many facets to the media industry, advertising being one of the most visible ones. We see it everywhere but it does get a bad reputation occasionally,” said Hinkson-Compton. “I had a professor during my undergraduate years who referred to marketing and advertising as the ‘dark arts’ which I always found funny. However, after producing this video for the Strategic Advertising in Media course, I learnt a lot about the intricacies of advertising. From interviewing Dr. Zeynep Tanes-Ehles and sitting through her class, I learned not just the work that can go into marketing campaigns but how advertising has had to evolve over time due to advances in technology.”