Duquesne University Media student produces video profile on Duquesne women's basketball assistant coach - Duquesne University Multimedia Duquesne University Multimedia

Duquesne University Media student produces video profile on Duquesne women’s basketball assistant coach

By Jacques Hinkson-Compton, second-year graduate student in the Digital Media Arts concentration


Anthony Priore, a second-year grad student in the Duquesne University Media department, recently produced an insightful video profile on Duquesne women’s basketball assistant coach Rachel Wojdowski. Wojdowski, who has a lifelong passion for sports, is a former Pittsburgh Passion wide receiver. The Passion is a women’s football team based in the Pittsburgh metropolitan area. In the journalistic piece, Wodjowski admits to challenges faced by women in the area of athletics, as compared to their male counterparts.

Prior notes, “Social inequality is an important issue to explore because of how common it is to our culture. Awareness on the topic can at least start a conversation to break down some of the disadvantages a lot of people in our culture, and in this case women, face on a daily basis.”

Despite these challenges, Wodjowski’s commitment and passion for the world of athletics is very apparent.